Fotopríbehy z prírody

Miroslav Vasil

Sumec bez chvosta a krokodýly / Catfish without a tail and crocodiles.

V Afrike nie sú krokodíly vzácnosťou. Na rieke (Mara River) sa opakovane v blízkosti krokodílov vyhadzovala ryba. Chcel som ju zachytiť. Zamieril som objektív a čakal, kým sa jej hlava objaví nad hladinou (obr.3). Záber ju, (sumca) zachytil nad hladinou vo vzduchu bez chvostovej plutvy (obr.4)

In Africa, crocodiles are not rare. On the river (Mara River), fish was repeatedly thrown itself above the surface near crocodiles. I wanted to capture her. I aimed the lens and waited for her head to appear above the surface. The shot captured her (the catfish) above the surface (picture 3) in the air without a tail fin (picture 4).


Obrázok 1 z 4

Mladý jeleň a kickgbox? / Young deer and kickgboxing?

Včasný jesenný podvečer. Na lesnej čistine dva veľmi mladé (ročné?) jelene. Jeden z nich má veľmi malé parohy. Druhý ho opakovane vyzýva. Aby sa slabší vyhol súboju s parožím začal sa brániť súperovi prednými nohami, kopom (opakovane a úspešne ). Záber kopov prednou pravou (obr.10) i ľavou nohou (obr.11) súpera odradilo. Tie rozhodujúce sú zachytené sekvenčným snímaním v tej istej sekunde. Necítim sa odborníkom, ale táto forma obrany sa mi javí u jeleňa hodne neobvyklá. Celý príbeh trval cca 90 sekúnd.

Early autumn evening. Two very young (a year-old?) deers in a forest clearing. One of them has very small antlers. The other repeatedly challenges him. In order for the weaker one to avoid a fight with the antlers, he started to defend himself against the opponent with his front legs, kicking (repeatedly and successfully). Taking kicks with the front right (picture 10) and left foot (picture 11) discouraged the opponent. The decisive ones are captured by sequential shooting in the same second. I don’t consider myself an expert, but this form of defense seems very unusual for deer. The whole story lasted about 90 seconds.


Kickboxing from deer? 1

Obrázok 1 z 14

Had a sršne / Snake and hornets

V iný letný podvečer. Pri prechádzke bukovým lesom Vihorlatských vrchov, stúpajúc do mierneho kopca som rýchlo odskočil. Zľava som tesne míňal strom a na jeho odvrátenej strane bolo telo asi 2 metrového hada (Užovka stromová?). Vyrušený had sa pohol hore a vsunul sa otvorom do dutiny toho istého stromu. Mal som pocit, že o dutine vedel, na noc sa do nej chystal. Na strome sa vyhrieval v šikmých, podvečerných lúčoch letného slnka. Z dutiny stromu, do ktorej sa vplazil som nasledujúce dni a celé leto videl lietať sršne. Náhoda? Tolerovali sa had a sršne navzájom?

On another early summer evening. While walking through the beech forest of Vihorlatské vrchy, climbing a slight hill, I quickly jumped back. I just passed a tree on the left, and on its far side was the body of a 2 meters snake (Aesculapian snake?). Disturbed, the snake moved up and slipped through the opening into the hollow of the same tree. I had the feeling that he knew about the cavity, he was going to enter it for the night. He basked in the slanting, early evening rays of the summer sun on a tree. From the hollow of the tree, into which he craweled in, I saw following days and all summer the hornets flying. Coincidence? Did the snake and the hornets tolerate each other?


Obrázok 6 z 7

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